Tuesday, June 21, 2011

caramel salted brownies.

I have been wanting to make these caramel sea salt brownies since seeing them on olivia-rae's blog. She has a lovely blog which documents her travels, creativity, and scrumptious food as she lives in Charleston, South Carolina. Her daily endeavors often inspire to make my own sometimes unsuccessful adventures of my own. So today I dressed myself in a an flowery vintage apron, invited the company of Billie Holiday and Bessie Smith, and set out to make Caramel Sea Salt brownies.

 I made a batch of fudgey milk chocolate and a batch of dark chocolate brownies.
(due  to time constraints I am ashamed to say they were from a box)

 I believe this experimentation may have been a success...we shall see what the peanut gallery says at the pool gathering tomorrow.

please ignore my tired look, I was trying to capture an image of me in my apron....obviously I failed.

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