Monday, February 21, 2011

Springin into an new routine...

ok so there was a time in my life where I had devos everyday in the morning, went on a run, cut out bread, and only ate sweets on the weekends. During this time I felt better about myself, had a different relationship with God, and was able to concentrate on what is important. Don't get me wrong this time wasn't perfect, I still had issues and my friends will attest to this, but making those small changes in my life made a huge difference.
    After moving home from Cali I started to let things slip. Concerns for school and the worries of the world clouded my views and I became lazy in the areas that were most important. I don't however want to discount the growth I have made in other areas. Being in a University challenged my beliefs and put me in some very uncomfortable situations. But going through those times reaffirmed how much I do believe in Jesus Christ and how much I want my life to be about Him. Health wise I am continually blessed with a functioning body. During the warm months I find myself in a routine of running five miles a day, and during these cold months although I am no where near where I should be in my fitness schedule I do try to shake what I've got every week in Zumba. 
   I feel though there are times where you need to step back and assess the choices you are making. I am idealist, I believe people can change. We just need to start small and believe in the God who is capable of making the BIG changes come true. We must play our part...
  Over these past couple of years I have started workout routines, diets, weekly devotionals, but all have failed due to the fact that my focus has not been completely on God. So as I examine what needs to change in my life I am committing to starting to make the changes in my relationship with God and then stemming from that making other healthy commitments. 
SO... Here are some goals for 2011 no scratch about for the end of february into march.
1. Spend time in prayer and reading least 10 minutes.
2. Cut back on sugar and carbs
3. Fill my time with productive things instead of hulu 
4. Exercise more
5. write 3 letters a month

alrighty so this is the beginning of my springing into new healthy routines in the months of february and march. I will keep you abreast on my progress. 

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