Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Florence con Frank

Just a little bit of catch up...

Part of the Temple Rome study abroad program is weekend class trips. I am currently taking two art history courses which required two weekends of class trips. My first excursion was to Napoli with my Italian Baroque course, a time where we were able merge Caravaggio with Napolean pizza. But what I was really looking forward to was my trip with Professor Frank Dabell to Florence. It definitely lived up to my expectations. We viewed many masterpieces, laughed a lot, and had a gelato or cappuccino stop almost every hour. Here are just a few snap shots portraying beautiful Florence, amazing works and fun people.

The Duomo
Baptistry Doors by Gherberti

 detail of the guilded doors

Mary Magdalene done by Michaelangelo

this best friend here...andrew.
one of my favorite sculptures by michaelangelo

the man of the favorite professor of all time... the legend Frank Dabell.

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